mercredi 23 mars 2011

Human nature

To pursue the central idea of the previous post, the unequal approach towards visually impaired people is obviously present in our society. Many prefer to continue to believe speculations about individuals from this minority group instead of creating their own opinion through frequent exposures to them, and this, without earlier judgments. Insteed, this comportment reflects one of the aspects of human nature, where people often select a scapegoat, someone or a group that is not treated in the same way. In fact, many short story authors reveal human behaviours through figurative language. In Cathedral, written in 1983 by Raymond Carver, the prejudices of an ignorant guy towards a blind man are clearly noticeable. In this story, the man had formed his perception of his wife's friend by an accumulation of rumours from inaccurate sources. This reality is already shown as soon as the blind man arrives; the other character talked to himself and said that ¨his being blind borther (him, his) idea of blindness came from the movies (;) in the movies, the blind moved slowly and never laughed (and) sometimes, they were led by seeing-eye dogs (, then,) a blind man in (his) house was not someting (he) looked forward to ¨(77, The Art of the shorty story). Brief, this short story is another allusion to this problem, where the difference is not always accepted as well as it should since they are humans after all; they have the right to live and be respected. Furthermore, since 87% of the world's visually impaired live in the developing countries; the poorest and the most populated ones (estimated by World Health Organization), a large number of people may be categorized as being included in an additional minority group. As a result, when these individuals immigrate, they may certainly feel much more excluded and being under a certain control of a dominant group in terms of social status, education, employment, etc. Then, adding this further difference may seriously leads to a really worse quality of life.

Communication skills

This decade, this year, this week.....and even today, visually impaired ones are still judged by people from the vast word surrounding them. Blind humans are often victims of discrimination because of prejudices accumulated in unaware others' mind mainly due to external illusory sources, such as movies, books and rumours. In addition, some studies, such as ¨Public awareness of visually impaired persons communication skills¨ one, have confirmed scientists' hypothesis, which brings them to strongly suggest that people think that a blind person is unable to communicate. They are also perceived as not being able to act and think normally since mobility and orientation are big challenges for them. According to the data collected from this experiment, 70% of the participants believed that the verbal communication with visually impaired individual was impossible while only 30% thought the opposite. These percentages explicitly support that most choose to follow an uncertain view instead of gradually creating their own perception and avoiding generalization when they met only one unpleasant person from this minority group. Then, indeed, the fact that they do not see or have severe vision trouble do not mean that they are not able to talk, to hear or to use body language in order to make them understood, they are humans, they have an opinon and... a mind.

mardi 22 mars 2011

Vitamin A Deficiency

New stats have been found, it was discovered that over 70% of child who contract blindness would be the cause vitamin A.  This 70% was made over 500 000 people.  Which is quite a large group, this ratio is a  good sample and makes the stats even more credible.  This vitamin A problem and blindness contraction would be because of xerophthalmia. This is the scientific word to describe the blindness.  This would eventually lead to a blind child or a very low vision of some sort.

mercredi 16 mars 2011

Children with Severe Visual Impairements

A lot of children in school who have visual impairements can be easily corrected by glasses, but some do have very severe loss of vision should have the tools to be able to perform the same tasks.  For some it is harder, people suggest that they should be taught to type for them to write and be allowed a keyboard for any kind of writing.  I think this should be a must for these students so that they have an equal opportunity or atleast a better chance to succeed.  Teachers should be well aware of these students and should help them by having them closer to the teacher and the blackboard so they can hear better.  As an example if a teacher is doing a lesson on fractions, and tries to explain 1/4 then the student should be allowed the pie to reinforce the comprehension of the lesson.  For me this is a good way to better comprehend the material but should be given to every child in the room.  To conclude vision loss isn't that easy to comfront and for children this can be much harder than people think.