mercredi 23 mars 2011

Communication skills

This decade, this year, this week.....and even today, visually impaired ones are still judged by people from the vast word surrounding them. Blind humans are often victims of discrimination because of prejudices accumulated in unaware others' mind mainly due to external illusory sources, such as movies, books and rumours. In addition, some studies, such as ¨Public awareness of visually impaired persons communication skills¨ one, have confirmed scientists' hypothesis, which brings them to strongly suggest that people think that a blind person is unable to communicate. They are also perceived as not being able to act and think normally since mobility and orientation are big challenges for them. According to the data collected from this experiment, 70% of the participants believed that the verbal communication with visually impaired individual was impossible while only 30% thought the opposite. These percentages explicitly support that most choose to follow an uncertain view instead of gradually creating their own perception and avoiding generalization when they met only one unpleasant person from this minority group. Then, indeed, the fact that they do not see or have severe vision trouble do not mean that they are not able to talk, to hear or to use body language in order to make them understood, they are humans, they have an opinon and... a mind.

4 commentaires:

  1. There are very successful actors that are deaf or blind. Despite people's judgements, this is a small sign of change towards positivism!!

  2. Although like mentionned in your article there is a lot of prejudice towards people who have a vision impairment I personnallly think that these people who have those jugements might not know anything about the impairment. the more people are aware the less prejudices the people are likely to have. Like Kristina mentionned even with small changes it means that we are on the good track

  3. This is true! There is to much prejudice facing blind people. I worked one summer with physical disabled people and I saw how much prejudice there are. Also, only the way a person looks to people with a physical disability is big. I remember how I felt bad for my clients because of people looking so strangly to them. I remember one time an client that was blind. An person was speaking to him and at a moment he told the person speaking to him I am not depth and I do not want to have another disability could you please lower your voice. Only in this situation we can see an big prejudice.

  4. Oh my god, it should have been so awkward this situation and in my opinion, you are right, this is a real life example of prejudices towards blind people!
